Zoo Information
Admission to the Phillips Park Zoo is free!
Zoo Rules
- No dogs or other pets allowed. Pets are a threat to the safety and well being of the animals.
- No skateboards, roller blades, scooters, or bicycles allowed in the zoo. This is for the safety of the zoo visitors.
- No basketballs, soccer balls, baseballs, balloons, etc. allowed in the zoo. These distractions may disturb or harm the animals.
- Littering and throwing items into animal enclosures is strictly prohibited. Litter and garbage should be placed into proper receptacles.
- Feeding the zoo animals is strictly prohibited. Zoo animals are on a specific diet and feeding them may be harmful to their health.
- Teasing and antagonizing the zoo animals in any way, as well as petting of the animals, is not allowed. Many of the animals may bite and are dangerous.
Handicapped parking is located near the entrance of the Stover Visitor Center. Parking is available across from the Stover Visitor Center, for the Zoo, Sunken Garden and Visitor Center.
Our Mission
It is our mission at the Phillips Park Zoo to provide a safe environment where students and visitors can gain a better understanding of the animal world and its environment through recreation and education, as well as providing professional care for the animals housed at the zoo, while promoting a positive image of the zoo and surrounding park, enhancing the quality of life.